The popular Davidoff Menthol King Size brand was created by Zino Davidoff exclusively for hard smokers who appreciate the value of true tobacco. If you have never tried these famous cigarettes, our store comes with a convenient proposal just perfect to suit your pocket and taste. Visit our store now and place your order for Davidoff Menthol King Size cigarettes manufactured in European Union countries and convince yourself that our products and services are worth your money!

Be sure the quality and originality of Davidoff Menthol King Size cigarettes will make you come back to our site and order them regularly. Along their special taste and texture this brand combines all the necessary ingredients that a real cigarette should contain. Just give us a try, enjoy smoking!

2000CIGS Cigarette Store

Davidoff Menthol King Size

Davidoff Menthol King Size

Davidoff Menthol King Size
EU Made Davidoff cigarettes   Made in: EU

1 carton $ 49.65
3 cartons $ 145.95 ($48.65 per 1 carton)
6 cartons $ 285.90 ($47.65 per 1 carton)

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